Zum Zeitgeschehen
Al Gore ist der erste CO2-Milliardär der Welt,
schreibt Natural News. Mit „ultimativem Schwachsinn“ habe der selbsternannte Klimaretter sein privates Vermögen vervielfacht.
Anmerkung: Und woher kommt das Geld? Na, von uns, den Steuerzahlern.
Da die westliche Propaganda regelmäßig Originaldokumente und Fakten unterdrückt und stattdessen ausschließlich durch politisch gleichgeschaltete „Nachrichtenagenturen“ oder „Journalisten“ gefilterte und verzerrte Informationen verbreitet, veröffentlichen wir an dieser Stelle die offizielle Erklärung Russlands zum Fall Skripal an die OPCW in eigener Übersetzung. …
… Unsere britischen Kollegen sollten ihren propagandistischen Eifer und ihre Phrasen für ihr unaufgeklärtes heimischem Publikum aufsparen, wo sie vielleicht eine gewisse Wirkung entfalten. Hier, innerhalb der Mauern einer spezialisierten, internationalen Organisationen wie der OPCW, muss man Fakten und nichts anderes als Fakten präsentieren. Hören Sie auf, Hysterie zu schüren! Fangen Sie an und formulieren Sie eine offizielle Anfrage für Konsultationen mit uns, um die Situation zu klären. …
und die Beförderung von Gina Haspel, die die geheimen CIA-Foltergefängnisse in Thailand beaufsichtigt hat, deuten darauf hin, dass der Militär-/Sicherheitskomplex seine Vereinnahmung des Trump-Regimes abgeschlossen hat. Von einer Normalisierung der Beziehungen zu Russland wird nicht mehr die Rede sein.
Today neither intelligence nor integrity exists in Washington. You can with confidence expect the worst.
The Russian Foreign Ministry went on to state that the so-called “Skripal poisoning” is “a colossal international provocation” and “another crooked attempt by the UK authorities to discredit Russia.”
indicate that the military/security complex has closed its grip on the Trump regime. There will be no more talk of normalizing relations with Russia.
If you look at Trump’s administration, the above three forces are those in charge. Israel remains determined to use the US military to destabilize Syria and Iran in order to isolate Hezbollah and cut off the milita’s support and supplies. The neoconservatives both support Israel’s interest and their own desire for Washington’s hegemony over the world. The military/security complex intends to hold on to the “Russia threat” as a justification of its budget and power. …
Confronting an endless string of false and hostile charges, they prepare for war.
We are witnessing the most reckless and irresponsible behavior in world history. Where are the voices against it?
Anmerkung: Von solchen Leuten werden die Völker des glorreichen Westens reagiert. Aber nun gut: Ihr habt sie alle selber gewählt. – Siehe zu Skripal auch hier:
May’s argument is thoroughly deconstructed on the Moon of Alabama website, which pointed out that Russia had destroyed all left over stocks from the Soviet Union’s chemical weapon program and does not currently produce chemical weapons. Further, there are any number of governments capable of carrying out the Salisbury attack. “If someone is run-over by a BMW is it ‘highly likely’ that the German government is responsible for it?” the Moon of Alabama asks.
Oder hier:
A vital missing word from Theresa May’s statement yesterday was “only”. She did not state that the nerve agent used was manufactured ONLY by Russia. She rather stated this group of nerve agents had been “developed by” Russia. Antibiotics were first developed by a Scotsman, but that is not evidence that all antibiotics are today administered by Scots.
Apple hat versagt? MacBook Pro 15″ mit Touchbar
so AfD-Fraktionschefin Alice Weidel.
Where is the Gutless Media as Freedom of Speech Disappears? – David Icke
‘Russia should go away & shut up’ – UK Defence Secretary amid diplomatic row
Anmerkung: Die spinnen, die Briten – beziehungsweise deren Administration.
Haspel would be in jail if former president Barack Obama had not decided against prosecuting the CIA torture crimes. Torturing prisoners is a war crime. Obstruction of courts and destruction of evidence are likewise crimes. Both, Pompeo and Haspel, will need to be confirmed by Congress. Both will receive a significant number of ‚yes‘-votes from the Democratic side of the aisle.
The war that American ground troops are preparing for on Syrian ground is lost before it starts. That said, I do not believe that an American presence in Syria will have to wait for a resistance-based “insurgency” for it to be pushed out.
but most importantly because if such an admission were to be made, the domestic reaction can spiral out of control; not only against the ruling party in any given NATO state, but also in the face of the whole concept of Western security.
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